Sunday, December 8, 2019

Gratitude filled Thanksgiving at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

  Phil's birthday in 2019 was stressful and not the happiest of occasions.  So when Phil said he wanted to celebrate his birthday on different day, I told him to pick a day.  He picked Thanksgiving so he could "eat as much as he wanted to" on his birthday.  The holiday season can bring on sadness, expectations and stresses.  There is always the feeling that you want each one to be special.   Phil and I have always celebrated our holidays traveling and having fun rather than exchanging gifts.  With funds being limited and Phil not feeling his best we needed to find simple pleasures and creative ways to celebrate the new birthday.  Noelle, Phil and I started to plan a Thanksgiving/Birthday dinner at the aquarium.
I wanted to add to the fun by surprising Phil with everyone saying Happy Birthday to him on his new day.  It became much more than just Happy Birthdays, soon cards and gifts started rolling in each day leading up to the holiday.   Going to the mail box became an event....the love that came pouring in was unbelievable. 

I took all the cards and gifts, decorated the kitchen and we made it into a big celebration.  Phil said he had never had such a lovely birthday and I can tell you he was truly touched.  I loved seeing him happy, the smiles were priceless.  Thank you to each of you, you have no idea how much it meant to us.  Phil has not been feeling very well due to chemo and the love was a great morale booster.

He called it his Birthgiving and it was just that.  It warmed our hearts, made us smile and forget about the problems and stresses about us.   The best day we have had in awhile.  
 Thank you to each of you.  The joy you brought was priceless.  A memory we will not soon forget.  Our Thankgiving was full of gratitude and appreciation.  A very special day indeed!

Noelle, Phil and I headed to the aquarium, had a delicious meal and had a marvelous time taking in the aquarium.  We always enjoy the exhibits, the joy and our friends at the aquarium.

Grateful for the beauty that surrounds us.

Grateful for family, friends and love.

Grateful for all the life that graces our planet.

After the aquarium we took a walk and enjoyed the sunset.  I'm grateful for your prayers, your love and for the village that has surrounded us with love.  I don't know what we would do without your support.

Gratitude is helping me navigate the journey.
Happy Holidays to everyone.  The next MRI comes after the first of the year.  We look forward to the new year with hope and love.

A Thanksgiving dance from the past.  

Our friends Bob and Bonnie are moving to Arizona.
 We are going to miss you, but are wishing you the very best in your new home. 
We enjoyed our dinner and Irish Christmas!

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