Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Stable ish - Laughter is the best medicine

  Yesterdays trip to San Francisco was tiring.  It was super hot yesterday and again today,  therefore we are laying low and recovering.  Phil's thermometer was one of the things that has suffered since the diagnosis of brain cancer, he is hot all the time.   He has also been suffering from fatigue from the chemo, a day resting is a good day.
 The doctor visit yesterday proved to be befuddling, we always wonder if we are being given good news or bad.  This is the report as we are seeing it - Cancer seems to be somewhat stable, no growth that the doctors can see.....however there is a black place on the MRI that looks like it is a little bigger than last time.  She said cyst like....not sure - but it has been there since the first surgery.   UCSF tumor board meets Thursday and Phil's case will be one of the subjects of the meeting.  Treatment and what is going on will be discussed more.  She did indicate that he would probably continue with the chemo regimen that he has been on for the last few months.  More to come on Thursday....
She actually used the words Stable ish.
With that being said we have decided that is good news.  6 more weeks before the next trip to San Francisco for the next round of tests.  6 more weeks of peace. 

We have both been a little sad lately and trying to just move through life.  Someday's it can feel overwhelming, especially wrapped around the time of the MRI.  Once again we remind ourselves it is better to laugh.  It wouldn't seem like one would want to make fun of brain cancer...
What else can we do and not only that, but our family and friends try to make light of it too.
It is part of our life, it presents giant obstacles and we still find time to laugh!

But what are we to do....We have to laugh.   Sometimes we find ourselves giggling just to giggle. 
When someone has inquired, "you won't pop a gasket"?  Ha, we appreciate a good laugh.  We have learned to live with our journey.... it is a part of daily life, what else can we do? 

Phil will celebrate his 44th birthday at the end of the month.  If he is feeling well we will again try to take a little adventure.  Please check out my Etsy has we are using that as our travel fund.  Thank you to everyone who has been helping!  These trips are what we both look forward to, a goal.  It is essential to have something to look forward to.  

I'm tired, lack imagination and say to our friends and friends, love, light and laughter.
Thank you from both of us.

To Phil:
I watch what you go through each day.  I'm proud, I love you and you are my hero!  Love, courage and faith..........

Our walks are a godsend and this is some of the beauty we have spotted lately:

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