Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Flashback trip - 2015 Camping trip to the Rincon and Santa Barbara, California

I've been organizing my photographs, trying to get them where I can find what I need.  While I have been sorting, I have been facing the past.  When I got to this group of photos I stopped and took a moment to remember.  Phil and I lived in Santa Barbara when we met and have always tried to visit there as often as we could.  Many times in the past we have admired a campground that is on the ocean in the Rincon.  It is rustic and there is no electric or bathroom facilities, but the location and the view - spectacular.  From the moment we got the van, the Rincon was on the bucket list.  Everywhere we camped we were always the smallest rig around including the Rincon.  Oh but I'm pretty sure we had the best time!!  You know what they say......small rig.....big fun.  Ha!  

  Phil and I typically choose to be upbeat, but life has been challenging lately on the emotions and sadness can creep in.  Memories sometimes can bring on sadness, but it was quite the opposite when I saw this set of photos.  This was a beautiful trip, filled with love, laughter and dancing by the fire pit.  The views were astounding, we were mesmerized by the ocean.  Thinking of it makes me happy......I think Phil and I were at our very happiest during that time period.  We loved our time in the van, it was our heaven.  We miss it, I sure am happy that we had that time in our van.

“My soul is full of longing
for the secret of the sea,
and the heart of the great ocean
sends a thrilling pulse through me.” 
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I can remember and feel our happiness.

I was at the beginning of taking photographs of my crystal ball.  This was the start of my affair with the camera.  I started playing with reflections, crystal balls and crystals.  My meditations became quiet time followed by photography.  I learned that while I was taking photos I relaxed and noticed things, as I had as a child.  Noticing all the small things going on around me.  The bug on a flower, a leaf floating in the water, a feather floating in the air, all became interesting again.  Photography has been getting me through this journey, it is my therapy, my love and my way to tell our story.   

We headed into Santa Barbara to take in the sights.  

“We love the things we love for what they are.” 
― Robert Frost

Color and art filled our hearts and eyes.

From the top of the courthouse.

To remember us before cancer, traveling with such carefree pleasure gave Phil and I a smile tonight.  A much needed smile.  

This one is for you Philly as we celebrate our 20th anniversary of being together and our 12th year being married.  I cherish each moment, I remember sweet kisses, hula dancing by the fire and every moment in our van.  Phil I love you more than I can ever express.  You have always been there for me and I will always be here for you.  You are simply the love of my life.

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