Wednesday, June 28, 2017

To Phil with Love - Happy Birthday 06/28/2017

Dearest Phil,
From the beginning, even before we became a couple, I admired your compassion.  I know at first I said you were, well - a little boring.  We worked together, talked, became friends, I watched you date and I would have never been able to dream this story up.  Now as I look at the photographs I can't imagine what my life would have been like without you.  The love affair that we have shared, as you know, has been superlative.  Passion, love and adventure - oh my - Phil you have been the best friend, lover and husband that a woman could hope for.  You have filled my life with love and joy.  

Thank you for sharing my life, being kind to my daughters and always being there for us.  I loved our family vacations and can't wait for the ones we will share in the future.

Thank you for embracing who I am, loving me for my weirdness and coming along for the trip.

Thank you for being the guy who would make lunch for everyone,  help someone who had a flat tire or give someone a push out of the snow.   Thanks for you service in the military and on the fire department, we all appreciate what you have done for us.  Thanks for helping my friends when they needed it, driving to Florida to help Noelle or sit with me while I just had a good cry.

Thanks for sharing all the wonderful memories we have made with Judy.  Buying the van was her idea you know, and what a great idea it was.

Whether blowing bubbles on the beach, toting Alice from one spot to another or camping, there has always been love and more joy than two people should be allowed to share.  

Phil I am happy to share this journey with you.  Oh the travels, the places and the people we have shared our lives with, what wonderful blessed souls we are.

I know this battle that you have been on has been difficult, more difficult than any nightmare imaginable.  You have been doing a wonderful job through so many challenges....the cancer and even us losing everything.  Everything you worked so hard to build, I understand how hard it has been.  Yet......we have each other, we have family and we have wonderful friends.  We have love, we have love, Phil, what could be better than that??   The next photos bring me joy Phil, I hope they make your heart sing as much as they do mine.

I know you treasured our adventures from the past as much as I did and now we are back at it again!  If there was anyway that I could make all of the pain you are having to go through, go away, I would.  Know that I am here, I love you and I can't wait to continue to share the adventure of life with you.

You are the love of my life Phil
I love you very much.

Happy Birthday!
