Sunday, November 1, 2015

I can't wait until the next sunrise! My sunrise photo excursions at Lover's Point in Pacific Grove, California.

Up and at it - almost every morning for the last 6 weeks, I have been getting up as soon as the sun peeks, so that I can take photos.  I live close to a beach at Lover's Point in Pacific Grove, a quaint town on the Monterey Bay.  
 Hello from our little part of the world.


A photo of the sunrise is always first, always different - color, clouds, fog and the tides are ever changing  Sometimes rich orange......sometimes all blues

I start by paying attention to what animals are around me, then the rhythm of the ocean and then the  lighting.  Lay the crystal ball down and the magic begins.


Not one of the photos is ever similar, the possibilities boggles my mind.

So far I have lost 2 crystal balls to the surf, I love the excitement of shooting as the wave hits the crystal ball.  It creates a rainbow much of the time, so beautiful.


My husband, Phil, often assists me.  

Or occupies his time meditating on the beauty of the area.

It is the lighting that drives me crazy.  I can't wait to see that first little glance of morning light, I look to see if there is color, fog or clouds.

This is where my meditations and readings take place, very peaceful and you can not beat the view.


Breathtaking joy.

Sometimes the ocean takes my crystal ball and knocks me over.

But the risk is so worth the benefit.  

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! The little guy adds a strange, but amusing vibe to those photos....
