Friday, December 17, 2021

365 days of images - - Day 349- Dec 17, 2021 - Linda's Intuitive Images LMH -- Sea Otters and Pacific Grove

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One of my pleasures in the morning is spotting sea otters.  I went by the Monterey harbor this morning and spotted one right away!   I'm fascinated by their behaviors.  This one was spiffing up that beautiful fur and wrapping itself up in the kelp.

A grebe.


All wrapped up in kelp.  Just a paw showing.

Back toward Pacific Grove.  

Through town towards home.  Growing up in the military, I never really attached to "home".  Every since I have been in Pacific Grove, I have felt that feeling, it feels like home to me.  

To Phil
Each day that I walk, I'm grateful for our time together in Pacific Grove.  Memories surround me, as does your energy. I've been wearing your hat almost everyday, that way I feel you have been with me for the 365 days.  It has also been covering up the cyst that I manifested in the spot you had your cancer.  The cyst will be removed on Jan. 6th, I know you would be happy about that.  It took me a minute to be able to face having it done.
 I walked with Patricia today, I'm seeing Janet and Russ in the morning, gratitude for them being in my life.
Miss you!

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