Monday, August 26, 2019

One moment at a time

This whale did the most spectacular show for Phil and I as we sat on the beach

My heart is like an open wound that I keep trying to bandage with gratitude, appreciation, courage, hope and love.  Phil and I do our best to live in the moment.  Some moments are difficult.  Phil's new treatment is one that has to be given through an IV.  For the first treatment we spent 5 hours in the hospital, between getting everything ready and then observing him after.  Some of the roughest times are those anticipating the reaction of the drug on Phil.  You hear all the side effects and by the time you are on your way to the hospital you are all wrapped up in fear.
It ended up going okay, Phil and I tried to make the treatment as bearable as we could.
Phil was all hooked up and I sat in a chair facing him.
They checked his vitals, took good care of us but next time we are taking our own snacks.
I took a couple of things to keep us busy.  A color book,  "Scared and Sacred" from our friend Michelle and an art book, "Chimps Having Fun", by our friend Zeek.  We colored while we waited in the waiting room and when we got to the treatment itself, I read Zeek's book to Phil.  I read as you would do in a classroom, reading and holding the book up so he could see the pictures.  We looked at each piece of joyful art and laughed and giggled filling the room full of delightful memories.  We even had a drop in visit from our friend Patricia while the treatment was going on!  Thank you to all, your kindnesses and love are helping.  Gratitude and love  keep us afloat.  The next treatment is later this week.  Then at the beginning of Sept. the MRI, chemo and we will find out what next.

Phil has not been feeling well, there has been lots of resting and sleeping going on.  Our life has ups and downs like everyone's.......There is just this cloud of cancer about us, someday's we are strong and others we are weak.  I think we are both tired right now.  The roller coaster takes some energy.
Friends, family and animals fill our lives with love.  There are gifts, visits and hugs.
I do not know what we would do without these souls, you are givers of hope.

Noelle and I painting rocks on a new table that we got from friends.  I love it and the surprise turned a blah day into a very joyful one.  (I love the table Michele)

We love our dog sitting and my psychic job proves to be fun and lets me be me.  I know there are snubs, judgments and sometimes people leave because there are stigmas to being a psychic.  I don't find it separate from who I am, I enjoy it and it is natural for me.  It is a part of me, no razzle dazzle, no flimity flam, just me.  I love doing my readings, I have been learning many things from my job.  I feel like it is allowing my sensitivities to work for me.  We all have "it", it is a matter of tapping into our intuitions.  The best benefit is that I'm here to take care of Phil when it is needed.  

  We have been staying close to home lately, Phil has a cyst that is growing and is causing some symptoms to reappear that we haven't seen in a while.  It varies day to day, confusion, fatigue, weakness, dizziness and nausea all make their self known.   Social issues have become apparent, it becomes a struggle to go into the "real world"   We are still taking time by the ocean, short walks around our neighborhood and when Phil is feeling good, time with friends.  There are some travel goals.....we are still shooting for them.
For now we stay close to home, which we are blessed and is filled with beauty.  Admiring architecture, window shopping and big doses of nature.

I have done my first decoupage in over 5 years.  I have been working with, enjoying glue every since the 70's.  I told Phil one day that I wanted to start looking for a mannequin.  While shopping at the Home Depot, Phil spotted a broken one by the dumpster in a basket.  I brought it home and have decorated it and named it "Atlantis is trying to pull her pieces together".

Nature continues to heal both of us.  Taking it slow and savoring the moments.
Much love to you all and thank you for sharing our journey.

Please pick up your trash, Phil and I pick up some sort of plastic off the ground almost everyday.  This little squirrel sure didn't need to be chewing on that!

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