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When I started conceiving the idea for this blog, it was going to consist of my favorite photos of the year. I figured all of my best photos would be in my blog, my journal, my keeping of the events, I began to read. My blog originated as a place to share our travels, it ended up being a combination of our journey with Phil's cancer, our travels and my feelings. When I went back to find the "best" photos, I started reading the blog at the beginning of this year. I then realized this was more than just photos, it is a story of pain, successes and hope. When I remember where we have been, what we have achieved and where we are going, I am overwhelmed with emotion. The blog is ending up being the photos that show our journey of the year.......what a year.....it started off rough and I'm anticipating that January will be tough this coming year, but hopefully not as tough as January 2017.
January 2017 visit to hospital, having seizure activity
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We started out 2017 fighting to get one of Phil's seizure drugs, it was a series of phone calls, crying, bargaining and finally everything worked out. Phil wasn't feeling well, the battle for an important drug, one that keeps him from having seizures, was out of reach financially, the stress of that playing on him. Fear, hospitals and emotions is how the year started. We made it through, now we are to the next stage of that battle, the fear of losing our health insurance. This week I will be looking at our options for insurance for the next year.........Fear.......Hope........One day at a time.
The good part of our story......the fabulous part of our story this year is wrapped around dog sitting. Dog sitting has been a wonderful benefit in our lives. It is the sustenance that keeps us going, it is the bread and butter as they say. More than that each one of those wonderful souls provides us with love. I have watched each one of those precious souls help heal Phil. I see it while he holds them, I watch how they react to him, gentle and with love. It seems they all know! Each one of them connects and work their magic. Here are a few of those champions -
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What came next was a blessing beyond belief. Our friend Kim works on a Facebook page, "The Harbor Seals of Pacific Grove", she asked me to help her keep watch of her beloved seals and she provided me a camera to help on my watch. She allowed me to earn the camera......it set me off into learning more and more about photography and letting the camera tell the story, taking me away into another world. Meditation, therapy and the use of creative energy, I loved my camera. My camera quit working a couple of weeks ago, which has led to a new camera arriving soon. My daughters, Nicole and Noelle, along with my sister, some sales of my photos and a nice tip on one of our dog jobs and before you know it I had a camera. A friend Karen gave me a camera to help me get by, it turns out to be a lovely camera and it seems Phil has his eye on it. I have invited him to join me on the blog, I hope he will be sharing photos on here too! We will get the other camera fixed as soon as possible and we will make this more of a team effort. Kim, thank you very much. Nicole, Noelle and Patti, I love you all, thank you.
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Just because ---- became magical words to us.
Michele and Candice we love you with all of our hearts.
You teach us love, compassion and share 3 souls that we love more than you can imagine.
Molly, Grace and Pumpkin
Thank you!
Penelope entered our lives and away we went!
Noelle sponsored a team event for Phil at Relay for life and we celebrated Survival.....
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and there has been Adventure Mondays, at the beginning of the year, this started as a picnic by the beach. We just started getting Phil out, breaking him out of comfort zones and enjoying family fun. Adventure Monday started as a day that Noelle would dedicate to spending with us, it ends up being a very important day for all of us. We look forward to it and it helps ground and sustain us.
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Probably one of the most important time of our day is our walk, we learned that the more Phil moved, the stronger he continued to become. We walk, and walk and walk some more. Phil was weak at the beginning of the year, the brain still recovering from the effects of surgery, chemo and radiation. All causing a little damage to the human body in its own way. Our job bring the body back, good food, exercise, laughter and long walks. We also both believe that the added CBD's are adding many benefits to Phil's recovery. Talking, laughter and photography........We love our walks.
This year my daughter Nicole moved to Arkansas. Tackling life and making business magic. In the process is getting to visit and bond with our relatives. Everyone is there and I know she is being well loved. We miss her, we are hoping the best for her and we are encouraging each of you to take a look at her page Ma's Green Living, lots of great tips there! Essential oils is her game and we would love if you would check her out!!!!!!
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As Phil's health kept improving and his cognitive skills getting better every day, he began wanting to verbalize his thanks. We made a video, although we didn't seem to be naturals, he was happy to get to express his appreciation to everyone. As Phil healed, he read every card, I read when he could not, every post, prayer, message, text, we both say thank you very much!!
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The end of June beginning of July is when Phil finally starts to pull out of the fog caused by radiation and chemo. I start to see signs of improvement with everything. The biggest change comes with a gift, a gift of a trip to go visit our friends Chris and Scott. Both Phil and I had all kinds of apprehensions and fear, we had not been that far from home, would we be able to do it. It ended up being the most magical, wonderful trip imaginable. Phil and I hiked mountains, explored lighthouses and enjoyed friends, we seemed like our old selves. Yes, we tired, yes we had to rest, but how we felt when we got home was empowered. Thank you Chris and Scott, that trip was priceless.
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The next news was sad, my mom broke her hip. The good news is that she is home and doing much better, which reminds me, I better call her tomorrow.......
She just celebrated her 93rd birthday November 14th
Which led to a decision that might have not been the best concieved idea. We had been planning a trip with Noelle to Northern California for a vacation. We had days off, we thought we would change plans and head toward Arkansas and see if we could visit Mom and my family there.
Phil's face and legs became swollen on the trip, we realized that the pace and length of trip wasn't a realistic goal. We want to try again in the spring, this time going very slow. We will allow enough time for us to rest in between, stopping for visits with other friends and relatives. We only made it to Sedona before we realized that it wasn't going to work, with that we changed our destination andheaded back to California, through Arizona. It was challenging, we learned about limitations and it made us thirsty for more. There will be more trips ahead, I can't wait to experience them and write the blogs and share them with you.
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We had tickets to see Patrick Sweany from a very kind friend. We couldn't make it because of timing and it was late in the evening in San Francisco. We were sad, but we know we will see him this year. We will plan everything ahead of time, it is on our list for 2018. To celebrate Patrick we took a drive in the moonlight listening to him play the blues on a CD and ended up on Cannery Row. Which is where we wish you would play on your next trip to California, Patrick. While we were on Cannery Row, Phil ran into an old friend.
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We celebrated birthdays, a beautiful wedding anniversary and a great MRI.
Every MRI is held breath, every good result is a celebration. We take in sunrises, sunsets, nature fills us with joy.
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The good outweighs the bad by far. We continue to survive with the help and love of friends. This is not a journey for the weak. Today we went to the Neurologist, there we looked at an MRI image of Phil's brain. It is startling, it whips you to reality.........and then I look at the progress, the joy, the friends gained and know what we take from this year is
Thank you for supporting us in all the ways friends do. Your love, prayers, financial help all have contributed to Phil having quality of life.
It truly is a Wonderful Life.
To love, family, friends, a happy holiday season and we hope for a peaceful new year filled with love and hope.
Congratulations on a life well lived in spite of every thing and all the horrific barriers! Love and kiss kiss from Mickie and family in Wyoming......