Thursday, December 3, 2015

Melissa Brannen - Another Anniversary, experiencing the hole in your heart that never heals

Every year at this time, my body knows, even if I'm busy with life's goings on, my body knows.  Last night in the middle of the night, I awoke feeling stressed and scared. I felt like I was having a panic attack, I got up took a bath and had a good cry.   Every year it happens and every year I'm surprised.  I try to blame it on stress, on life's other challenges.  But it is the residual from a loved one being snatched and the closure that never happens.  With that being said, life goes on... I will always wonder what happened to her and feel sadness that such horrendous acts could be committed.  I wish I could take away the pain that my brother and sister in law had to suffer.  Not to mention the extended family, watching my parents suffer this loss was heartbreaking.  My own children in growing up, had to suffer through my over protectiveness, always keeping my eye on them, so fearful.....With that being said, we must tell the people we love everyday, that we love them.  Each moment is precious and each of our life experiences make us who we are.  That sadness gives me the knowledge of the depth of despair that the human experience can take us to.  In experiencing the pain, I have become aware of how precious life is and I treasure every moment.  In love and remembrance of our beautiful Melissa.

My brother Mike and little Melissa.

For more information:  Melissa Brannen

Poster:  Melissa Brannen