Monday, December 20, 2021

365 days of images - - Day 352- Dec 20, 2021 - Linda's Intuitive Images LMH -- Heavenly Asilomar Beach

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Pet sitting near Asilomar Beach is heavenly and the skies confirmed that this morning.  Pet sitting saved Phil and I as he went through treatments for cancer.  I wanted to be able to be his care giver and Phil lost his auto repair shop so we needed to figure out how to support ourselves as we went forward.  A friend suggested dog sitting and we were off and at it.  It proved to be wonderful for many reasons, it helped support us, we made friends and it was great therapy for Phil.  When I imagine where Phil is now, he is always surrounded by animals, he loved them.  I only have kept a couple of clients, the animals and parents have become my family!  Thank you to everyone who shared their pets with us.

For Phil
Molly and I were having a little talk this morning and she said she really missed her belly rubs.
Missing you more than I can express.

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