Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Four years and counting - Life with Astrocytoma - through the eyes of our iphone 4's 2016 to present

I finished this blog a couple of days ago, but life has taken another jog in the road of our journey.  This evening I can't sleep because it seems Phil has had a reaction to a new drug that they have given him due to a recent seizure.  This seizure came with an intensity and length that he hasn't experienced before.   I had to call 911 as I held him into the recliner he was sitting in when the seizure hit,and I stayed in that position until help arrived.  The firefighters and paramedics responded quickly and medicated him to get the seizure to end.  I called Noelle and friends, they arrived to see Phil leaving in the ambulance.  I was not allowed to go into the hospital, I was so frightened it might be the last time I would get to see Phil.  They stabilized Phil at the hospital and sent him right home in just a few hours.  Since he has been home, he has been weak and suffering from headaches.  Today when he woke from a nap I notice is face being swollen and looking like he was sunburned.  I called the doctor's office and they said to take him off the new medicine for the seizures, give him benadryl and watch his breathing.  He is sleeping now, is not feeling well and was quite anxious before sleep came.  

Tomorrow we have a phone appointment with a doctor, an MRI is coming and then a couple more doctors appointments.   His left side continues to weaken and he has not gotten out of bed very much since the seizure.  I feel scared, sad and it is hard to see the world seemingly falling apart around us.  I continue to be a cheerleader and caregiver to Phil during the day, but sometimes at night it is hard and I fall apart.  I am very blessed to have Noelle and friends who take very good care of both Phil and I that live close to us.  My family and many friends have been supporting us from afar and that helps too.  Tonight however I feel shook up and scared.  

This blog (journal) of our journey has been a godsend to me.  It has allowed me to release what is plaguing me from the inside and let it out.  Going through the photos on our phones was cathartic albeit sad.  This set of photos that were on our phones, shows the roller coaster of living with brain cancer.  It affects not only the person with the cancer, but a community that surrounds them.  Phil and I have been blessed to have caring people to reach out through prayer, love and support.  I am grateful.

The story continues, tomorrow is another day.

This was a hard set of photos for me to go through.  It is amazing what we have been through, I am amazed and proud.  Life has been hard and made harder with sheltering in place.  We are extraordinarily lucky to have friends who have helped us to help ourselves.  Phil continues to be very weak,  is getting a cane to help with the stairs, rails for the bathroom and a handle to get in and out of the car.  Each day a struggle and each day we take it one moment at a time.

People left our lives, friends stayed and new one's came in.  My family has been fabulous, our friends have been life savers and the dogs in our lives......each one has breathed life and love into our lives.

We have laughed, cried, thought we couldn't go on, picked ourselves up and moved forward.

Thank you for the love and support, we have made it this far with your help.

We continue this journey, one moment at a time.

We treasure each moment, thank God for our blessings and thank each one of you for sticking with us on our journey.

We love you.
Thank you.

Linda and Phil

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