Thursday, August 16, 2018

Healing and love through t shirts - new dog sitting shirts - Printed Wright Silkscreen

Phil and I dog sit, it is one of the blessings that came with brain cancer.  I know it seems odd to say there is blessings, but there have been many.  To simply have Phil with us, is more than a blessing, it is a miracle.  What a team we have, thank you to all of you you have helped in someway.  It started with losing everything, our business, jobs and what we owned with the diagnosis of Phil's brain cancer.  Dog sitting came as a means up support and still allowed for Phil to recover from surgeries and treatments.  It ended up being so so so much more to us, we have made friends, the dogs provide love and most of all they provide therapy.

When Phil was first diagnosed with cancer and was going through chemo and radiation, he went through a horrible period of time with seizures, anxiety and depression.  Patti and Ron sent Phil 
t shirts to cheer him.  They came at the best times, bringing a smile and joy each time they arrived.  There are no words for that gesture....

There were many more!  Each time he went to have his treatments or doctors appointment everyone waited to see what he was going to be wearing.  It brought laughter to us and to the people around us.

My sister and brother in law are now opening their own t shirt business, Printed Wright Silkscreen. Ron has been doing this since the 80's and the shirts are fabulous.  When I asked Patti for some information about this business she said that one of the advantages is that they can do small orders too.  You can have any design you would like.   Hint, hint.....if you need t shirts for a small business or group I know a great place for you to shop.  You can read all about it at the 

So Patti and Ron, we say thank you, we say best wishes.
I made a little movie to say thank you for the t shirts so you would know how much fun we had in your shirts.
Thank you and love you much.

My first movie that I made was a thank you to Grace, Molly and Pumpkins moms', you can see that below.  We love our dogs and their parents.
This just shows the joy of dog sitting and the gratitude we feel.  
We love you!!!!

Please check out the new business and thank you for reading the blog!

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