Thursday, November 2, 2017

To my daughter Nicole on her birthday!

Happy Birthday Nicole
(Student married housing, Carlson Terrace - 1978 I was sailing into my 21st birthday. )

(Nogales Mexico I'm guessing 1963ish, My Mom, Aunty Terry, my brother Mike and myself on donkey)
Life sometimes repeats itself..... Me on a donkey and then you. 
(Nogales, Mexico, 1985 Myself, Mom and Nicole)

Happy Birthday Nicole
with love from

I struggle with what I wanted to say and I read this:

"Memories of so long ago
still fill my mind with
thoughts that show me ..
.. scenes when you were
just a little girl.

I lie awake and contemplate
thoughts, keep keeping, me awake
and I wonder, if I did my very best.

As I dwell upon, my past mistakes
I’ve caused so many, hearts to break ..
.. that’s just one thing, I can’t, make up for.

What I would give to unwind
to rectify, back in time
and feel you’re little hand
again in mine.

To cherish each, fast, brief day
to hold you close and hug away ..
.. each pain, that life will serve at you.

And try to give you, so much more
than I ever, did before and to never
make, the same mistakes again.

A part of you, will always be
embedded in the soul of me ..
.. And while I’m still here, I want to say
I’ve loved you, each and every day
but I can’t go back and take away,
all the unjust things, that I have done ..
.. but I’ve loved every moment
of being your mum."

By – Toni Kane
My worry has always been that I am the best mother that I could be, I know I made mistakes and for those, I'm sorry.  I love you very much.  (Probably still will fumble.......human - mom - you know.....)

Each little moment, each precious moment!  Love you Nicole.

(Carousel at Old Tucson)

Patti visits Tucson, I backed her up into a cactus taking a photo of her.  I had to pull the needles out of her too!  Ha!

Our love of Disney probably started right there!  Noelle was in the womb loving it.  

Reading to your sister, posing with mom, always a cooperative spirit, ready to have fun.  

We always loved the sea!

Laureen started babysitting you when she was 13, I think.  The above photo was before her wedding which was at our house.  Nothing like the 4th of July on Shoreline Drive.  

Early start at the Monterey Aquarium.

The trips to Hawaii will always be special, I did have a flair for the hula if I do say so myself.  That and drinking a blue drink......I was very good at that.  (Blue poop even.....)

Family fun, mother and daughter fun, would not change one moment.

There are no words to say how proud I am of you.  I absolutely loved our time at Ma's Green Living, the farmers markets, The Plastic Summit and now doterra.  Remember you can do anything you set your mind to.  I have watched you in action, you have everything you need, now soar.

Now probably the most important words besides I love you.  Thank you for all you did for Phil and myself.  I simply do not know what I, we would have done without you.  You were there at every time of the day or night, you fund raised, you loved and nurtured us and for that I want to say thank you.  I know life has given you challenges recently what I want you to know is that you will take on these challenges, you will handle them to the best of your ability and you know that we are always here.  You are loved.........more than I can ever express.  I miss you Nicole and I hope this birthday is filled with fun, love and happiness.  Know that we are with you in our hearts.  Sending kisses and hugs and then some more of them.  

I don't care what the guy at Disney world said, it is okay to celebrate your birthday for a week.  Love you very much Nicole.  Happy Birthday!!!!!  I should have just let Phil kick his butt for that.  Ha!  To memories and to birthdays.......

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