Thursday, November 16, 2017

Let Gratitude whisk me away..........

I had a hard week emotionally.  It happens and I have learned to roll with it, this time the lesson was about letting go and understanding what was, will never be again.  It is painful to let go, but it was more painful hanging on.  It is a new life, it is new times and well.......I have much more to feel grateful for.  A cleansing for me, this was about self preservation and stepping into a new reality.

The letting go made me look at the last two years and instead of what I lost,  I looked at what I gained.  First and foremost, I look at Phil and there isn't anything I can do except beam from the inside of my very being.  He is with me, each day a blessing and a miracle.  He has been feeling good, tackling what has been given and we are having many wonderful days.  (I love you Phil and I have watched what you are going through, I am proud of you - in fact I am proud of both of us)   So a huge thanks to everyone who has helped us, thank you from the bottom of both of our hearts.  This is a tough battle and it is wonderful to  have a team.  The team that has come together has made this all possible and we are more than grateful!

My camera broke this week, I tried to remain calm and know that all will work out.  I've done pretty good, it is easier to keep perspective after what we have been through.  I know it will all work out, I just have to be patient.  My camera has been a love and a therapy.  I earned it from a friend taking photos of the Harbor Seals to help with her Facebook page. (Thank you Kim)  What I have learned from that camera is invaluable what it has done for my spirit is priceless.  This week I have fought with myself whether to try to have it fixed or save up money to buy a new camera.  In the meantime a friend has given me one to help me get by.  Such kindness - there have been many more acts of kindness as to not.  

Phil and I would have not made it financially if it had not been for the help of family and friends.  My family and these friends continue to help us in many ways.  To those who have hung in here with us, my appreciation and love.  It has been a hard journey and without this love we would not have made it.  Things continue to improve and to those who helped me get the dog sitting gig and my psychic job, thank you very much.  It has enabled us to work, meet incredible friends and given us life....  A means to support ourselves and heal all at the same time.  
And to those who have said, Just because.....
Thank you, you are the people that I am taking my lesson of what friendship and love are about.  Each day Phil and I look for ways to pay back what has been given to us, it gives us much joy.  We do things that we might have passed by before.  We share our lunch with others who may not have a lunch, we do errands for someone who might not be able to do it and we are dedicated to helping others going through illness and cancer.  Small things, but oh my do I know what a small gesture can mean.  Again love to all of you!!!!!!!!  Thank you, the gratitude I feel is endless.  It is the love, prayers and well wishes that sustain us and keep us going.  For those we are eternally grateful.

Patti, the joy from the shirts.........what can i say??

I have to say just a bit about Facebook.  I have used it as a means of communication when it was hard to get out, I have had friends that were there for me no matter what time it was.  Grief does not know time sometimes, so to those who have been there at all hours of day and night, thank you!
It has brought old friends back, new friends in and a support system of untold proportions.  
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!  My photographs, my blog and my Facebook have been lifesavers for me.

I'm grateful for:



There are more of them, kitties, dogs, lizards and fish, you get the picture.  Thank you to these beautiful souls and their parents.  Thank you it is therapy, love and a means of support.  What they share with us is love, pure and simple love.

I am grateful for my family.  My mom just celebrated her 93rd birthday.  Until she broke her hip very recently, she sent a card to Phil every single day.  Love you Mom and Dad, thank you!  My two daughters that have helped, loved and done whatever they could for us and continue to be a source of love on a daily basis.  We love you two, don't know what we would have done without you.

It is with sadness that I let go.  It is will hope and gratitude that I move forward.
Thank you very much!
From both Phil and I.

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