Monday, September 24, 2018

Our visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and a thank you to Noelle

Dear Noelle
We had a fabulous time at the Monterey Bay Aquarium today.  You made lunch fun, brought our spirits up and we want you to know how much we appreciate you.

(tap photos to enlarge)

Our view at lunch was spectacular, the food was delicious, and make sure to tell Ray thank you.
We love you
Mom and Phil

"The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Sea Otter Research and Conservation (SORAC) program has been studying and trying to save the threatened southern sea otter since 1984. They rescue, treat and release injured otters, raise and release stranded pups through their surrogate program, provide care for sea otters that can’t return to the wild, and conduct scientific research. Although SORAC focuses primarily on the southern sea otter, SORAC staff and volunteers collaborate with the U.S. Geological Survey and other scientists to study sea otters from Russia, to Alaska, to southern California."

This morning started a little rough, Phil was emotional and not feeling well.  The upcoming MRI is causing him anxiety and stress.  The aquarium was the perfect medicine....

What better than the aviary?  Nothing I love more than taking photos of birds.  

Everyone was enjoying the Rays.

I'm fascinated by the intelligent Octopus, this one was all over the exhibit.

Cuteness 101.

We played in the Cannery Exhibit and I always want to look in Doc Ricketts Lab.

Popped back in to check on Noelle, she enjoys a nice view in her work place.

The aquarium has an area teaching about plastics and the ocean.  It is vital that we start to cut back on our plastics, it is working its way into the food chain and we are all being poisoned by it.

Birds are dying because of their stomachs are full of plastic.
Phil and I are getting a bucket so we can do our part by picking up trash by the beach.
We are always discouraged and sad when we see all the litter on our walks.

The art in the aquarium is unique, creative and speaks to the beauty of the ocean.

Phil and I played, laughed and let go of our worries for a minute.

I love the cuttlefish, I feel that they are telepathic.  When I look into their eyes I see and feel the intelligence.  What a beautifully unique animal.

Big lips and eyes that look like the aren't there.....

Green choices in the Gift and Book Store.  Both Phil and I have worked at the aquarium and have a great love for it.  This day meant the world to us.

From a scene in Star Trek IV 

The view of the bay couldn't have been any prettier.  

I ran into friends, Rae Mae, I love you and was thrilled to see you.

Noelle we love you!

Robert, gotcha!

The mission of the nonprofit Monterey Bay Aquarium is to inspire conservation of the ocean

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