Saturday, April 7, 2018

Positive Energy, Positive News and Seal Pups

We have been going through some struggles as we moved into our new home.  Phil caught a virus and has had a hard time getting over it.  We became concerned because he was having some confusion, forgetfulness, headaches and dizziness.  It led to the doctors recommending that Phil have an MRI and it came back there hasn't been any change, and there was nothing showing cause for concern.  He just needs to recover from being tired from the move and the virus he contracted.  We consider this very good news and it is helping with our attitudes.  Fear is a very real adversary and we breath in strength each day as we walk in nature and bring in the energy it provides.  It is a blessing to be able to get close to the ocean when we are feeling down or scared.   Brain cancer as we are learning to accept is a part of our life and it can be overwhelming, but our attitude is what brings the hope and energy that we need to continue with life.  We are trying to live with purpose, love and gratefulness.  

The new apartment has been a joy.  We have been taking our time, going to thrift stores and it is coming along.  There is great enthusiasm in settling in to the apartment, we are trying to fill it with positive energy and cheerful decor.  I found a bag of costume jewelry at a thrift store and have made all kinds of dingle dangles for the garden.  Clippings, plants that need to be saved and friends have made it possible for the garden to start to come to fruition.  It is simple, decorated in an eclectic manner and it is starting to feel like home.

Our dog sitting business continues to grow and Noelle has started to assist us when needed.  She has also started her own page.  Noelle has been a natural with animals since she was a small child, she will be a welcome addition to our business.  Dog sitting helps finances, it gives Phil and myself purpose and we have found the dogs to be therapeutic in many ways.  Just to receive the love that we get from our dogs that we sit, not to mention the love from their parents is remarkable to say the very least.  A true blessing to us.  We have been booking up the year and it fills our hearts with joy and a calm I can't express.  Thank you to all our clients (friends) and their pets.

Our walks continue to help Phil with physical therapy, bring joy to our lives and provide my camera with lots of eye candy.  Since we have lived in the new apartment we have been walking all over our area, exploring, checking out the surroundings and we realize our apartment is close to everything.  We have been leaving the car at home far more than we ever have.  The seals are now only a couple of blocks away, our favorite thrift stores are just around the corner and my favorite sunrise locations all within a quick walk away. 


Speaking of the seals, it is pupping season.  It turns out to be a very important season to me.  When Phil first became ill our friend who has the Facebook page, The Harbor Seals of Pacific Grove, invited me to help her with photos for her page.  It changed my life, she let me earn a camera and that camera changed everything.  It allowed me to express myself, to see things from a different perspective and to take my mind off some of our problems.  The seal pups represent hope, love and irresistible cuteness.  Thank you Kim, they are still bringing my life much happiness and peace.  Those moments with the seals have brought me a calm, a meditation and improved my photography skills. 

There hasn't been much time to work on the blog.  I just wanted everyone to know how much we appreciate you and your love.  We are grateful, happy and working hard.  Much love to all.
Linda and Phil

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” 
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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