Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Miracles, Rainbows and Hope - A Harbor Seal Birth

Yesterday morning started as many of my days have been starting lately.  I hop up before Phil wakes up to run down to the ocean and check on the Harbor Seals.  I've been helping a friend with her Facebook page, "The Harbor Seals of Pacific Grove" by photographing the pupping season.  I have been trying to photograph the actual process of birth.  Last year I saw one but fumbled with my camera and didn't get the birth, only the aftermath.  (Last years blog)  So I have been spending hours photographing seals. pups, moms and pups and moms.  So much so my shoulders have been aching from holding my camera up for great lengths of time.  But I wouldn't trade my minutes with the seals for anything.  Phil and I have been out by the fence watching pregnant females all week.  Each day we leave the rookery and the other people watching the seals tell us the one we were watching.....had the baby right after we left.  I did catch a newborn a couple of days ago because someone at the fence yelled there was blood in the ocean.  I spotted the Mom and Pup right after the birth.  

Back to where I was, I left the house around 6:30 knowing I wanted to catch the sunrise and check on the seals.  It is just a couple of blocks down to the ocean, so I just run right down, trying to catch the first peak of the sun.  It has been raining, the clouds were beautiful, the grass was wet and the air crisp.

It gave me time to reflect on the last couple of days.  We have been spending time with friends, having fun with the apartment and Phil has been having a great week!  I just took in the scenery and headed down to take a look at the Harbor Seals and try to take as many photos of pups as I could.

Arriving at the seal rookery I found many pairs of  moms and pups.  I entertained myself taking photos when I noticed a female who seemed to be in labor.  I kept my eye on her.  I could see the contractions and she was visibly uncomfortable.

I kept watching her and continued taking photos of as many of the seals as I could.  There were all kinds of activities going on.  Swimming lessons, feeding and playing not to mention the feed me calls going on all over the beach.

Before I knew it I had been watching the seal at Hopkins beach for almost 2 hours.  Phil texted to tell me he could see a rainbow out of the bedroom window at home.  I was taking photos of the rainbow as the text arrived.  Of course I then thought I was going to be lucky and see the birth.  Rainbows being a lucky sign and it had already been a spectacular morning.

With the rainbow came small bursts of rain.  Nothing that had me worried - I continued to watch the pregnant seal on the beach.  Each time she would go into contraction, she would lift her front flipper and then she would shift and move her tail all about.   At one time it even appeared as if her water broke.

It began to rain, I texted Phil and asked if he would drive down to get me.  Phil doesn't drive due to the risk with the seizures, but he jumped in the car and drove down the two blocks to get me.  We went and ate breakfast, the rain let up and we rushed back to the beach to see if the seal was still there.

The seal was no longer at Hopkins so we decided to check the other beach at 5th street.  We get to the beach and I photograph a cutie.

Then I notice a pregnant female with what appears to be a mucus plug coming from her.  I name her Rainbow.

 I start taking photos and my memory card says it won't allow any more photos.  In the meantime it has started to rain and Phil has to hold an umbrella over my camera.  I start deleting photos off off the memory card while Phil watches the seal for me.  It stops raining and I start to take a few more photos and my battery shows that it is almost out.   So Phil runs back to the house, gets a memory card, a new battery and my rain jacket.  While he is gone, the wind whips in, it rains and I hide under a tree.   He gets back, I put on my jacket, change the card and battery, and the miracle of birth starts immediately afterward!  It is a slow birth, she worked hard and delivered a big pup!  The entire time the birth was happening, it rained.  Phil covered me and my camera with his jacket so I could continue taking photos.  After the birth it started pouring and we ran to the car.  Amazed, thrilled and excited, we both were filled with the hope that is given with new life.

We name the pup Hope.  We watched the miracle of Rainbow having hope.
Life is Good.

We continue to make the new apartment our home.  We have received wonderful gifts, love and visits.  There was one gift with no name with it, we love them!  Thank you!

Thank you to all, we know that your love has helped bring us this far.  Much love and appreciation to for everything.  Each moment a miracle and filled with hope.


  1. Wow !!! How spectacular ! ♥️

    1. Indeed. I got butterfly seeds about to be flowers in the garden. Love you Paige.
